Sunday, June 01, 2008

got the USB stick

Hi Helen!

Thanks so much for the pictures.. and more important, for all the nice memories we shared!Hope this USB stick finds its way back to you again. I've put all my pictures from Desaru, Pulau Ubin and KL on here, as well as everything from Cambodia. Unfortunately I haven't added labels to the Cambodia pictures yet... but ok, at least you have them now. Back home I'll try to add titles and then I can send them to you again if you want. Hopefully I can scan the negatives of my other photos and upload those somewhere later.. there's a couple of pictures I am very happy with so would be nice to share them.

Then there's the album by dEUS. You've heard a few songs already but here's the rest. It's not their best album though (in my opinion), so if you enjoy this you should certainly look into their debut for example. I've also added the latest album by Tindersticks, one of my favourite bands. It's called The Hungry Saw. They just released this new album while I was in Singapore (I missed the tour back home, unfortunately) so I've been listening to it a lot here. I think it's great. Maybe you like it too :)

Hope to see you again one day.. and let's stay in touch.


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