Sunday, December 18, 2005

no tears...

my heart is broken
yes, its true
it is because of you
but not caused by you

i did not kiss you goodbye
(i am not able)
or maybe its because
i dont know how

i knew from the start
when our times will end
in my mind i say im prepared
im ready
yes, i thought i was

but moments after journeying to Paris
i felt like a paper boat
sailing in wild river
hours, minutes passed by
quickly, and even i wanted it stopped
i just cant
its beyond control

and the plane ride, imagine
i sat between (2) French
a man and a lady
i wanted to talk
but i simply cant.

i felt like hot air balloon
flying but ready to explode

i wanted to cry, i am broken
the moment you turned, i turned
but how can i cry?
when i know, im happy...

my love for you alone
makes me happy
i shouldn't cry.

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