coming from the pantry after pouring my cup with water, i was surprised to see a piece of paper on my desk. hhhhmmm... i saw the word Culture on top and so I approached Katelijn to know what it was all about. she smiled and said no its your neighbor...
walked back to my desk and a little while later i asked Ana, is this survey yours and i asked if she is doing a paper or something (she is really into research and stuff)? she said, no, its just for your own.
and so one by one i answered the questions and well, it was an interesting exercise. the curious thing is when i compared answers with Edwige and Katelijn, somehow there are similarities. ok differences, that is normal. but its amazing actually when we try to figure out why we answered differently. it's because a few times, we understood the question in a different sense.
Ah, a lesson in culture. can it be learned? define culture...